My new site will have separate divisions, based less on subject than on the type of entry. I am planning two types, one for a Twitter-like feed that still is not instantaneous, but archives short and sweet (one-paragraph) entries about what I'm up to and links to articles or sites that I find interesting or relevant. These will help my readers track my points of reference (in case you notice that I'm obsessing over environmental non-fiction, that one host on NPR, the latest SEO strategies or peanut butter-based Thai cuisine and question the validity of my sources). The other division will house longer entries -- products of my own writing, whether in the form of essays, stories or reviews.
I hope to make some long strides over the next few days in the development of my site. It's a slow process, as I taught myself CSS and am only now putting it to practical use. Once I get this site done, I can focus on other design projects (like the brochure for the animal hospital or my jewelry design portfolio). And then there is always the nitty gritty: the actual job search.
Now, back to rebranding the super-ego.