Yesterday wasn't much different. I went to the grocery store and Turkish market to pick up my weekly Lebensmittel -- yogurt, muesli, soup, bread, some fresh ravioli, a pineapple, grapefruit juice. Then I took a stroll through nearby Neukölln, stopping at a Canadian pizza place for lunch (Ron Telesky, Dieffenbachstraße 62). I was a good decision away from ordering a slice of the vegetable-pesto, but opted instead for the pie topped with sliced hot dog, french fries, and fried onions. They convinced me to put some Danish mayonnaise on it, too. It was so good. My second piece was baked with rosemary, sliced golden potatoes and sweet potatoes. Sweet potato pizza? Then again, french fry and hot dog pizza? Yes.
To work off my new gut, I took another sun-soaked snooze in the grass along the canal.
Do not be fooled. My life here isn't all... um, exotic... food and naps. The rest of the time I'm on my computer arranging interviews and Googling all things Berlin. That's just a whole lot less interesting to talk about.
For those who are interested, last Friday I finished helping Matt edit some of his stories to submit in a fiction contest. Now I have two internships lined up: one starting tomorrow at a gallery in Mitte, the other starting in August for the literature festival. I'm also scheduled to help next week with a festival on architectural spaces and their acoustics. I just scored a short-term gig as a party photographer -- I'm interested to see where this might lead. As soon as the last of my jewelry-making supplies arrives, I will put together some earrings and necklaces to sell at the market and possibly a boutique or two. Hopefully this will pay for my day-to-day expenses, like food. I'm still searching for more stable, more financially-rewarding work. But it looks like my long, boring days lounging in the park are over.