The Pit of Babel
Es muß ein Fortschritt geschehen...
Wir graben den Schacht von Babel.
Some progress must be made...
We are digging the pit of Babel.
(Franz Kafka)
I am Katie Sharrow-Reabe and I am interested in structural and social architecture. Linguistic and cultural translation. Progress through retrospection. Subliminal and subterranean connections. And I would like you to help me put these fragments into a hole.
I found the article to reflect the range of motivation and expectations of the various participants. These internships provide an experience not unlike summer camp, that is, rugged, perhaps, but temporary. Farming is a hard life, especially for the land owners who may have few other options. Healthy young college grads, regardless of their degrees, have options. I know you appreciate yours.
Hi Katie
Hi Katie...
Oops. My blogtechcommentskillessness is showing. : ) Anyway. I liked the article. It's light as most reporting is these days but it does hit on the tips of some good cud for chewing. I think you and yours are way ahead of us and we when we-uns ended up in places like my beloved El Rito but back in the 60's believing love would do it all. I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and your experiences and your WRITING skills!!....and I applaud the organic farmers who take on untrained help and the folks who go to learn a way of in everything there are folks who discover 'it' is not for them.
Taking on untrained help is a dilemma. While it is cheap labor....untrained help can be VERY expensive: in time spent teaching which adds to the work load of the teacher/farmer. When I was really working hard with the jewelry biz I never took on untrained help for that very reason. I could not afford to give up that much time.
This program gives me heart. I think it is a brilliant, practical improvement on the way we thought about things 40 years ago. I'm glad you discovered it and I'm glad you are sharing it. Thank you.